I thought!

Just took a little break from mundane things and this time it's forever, I have finally decided to work on my dream and not just sit idle and see, this is where I got you all, Money is the motivation but sometimes we need to get our facts clear because it becomes dubious when you start questioning yourself.

I just took a little step towards something which I always wanted to do, not the book but something different which you will be known soon, As a matter of fact, I might not be revealing so much, but you guys need to trust me like you always did and obviously this time I won't break it because I don't have any scapegoats.

I thought you would come back and yet you didn't come...

I thought you were different and yet I was wrong again...

I thought we could have worked out things and yet we ignored each other...

I thought we knew each other and 
yet I was wrong again... 

I thought I lost you and 
yet I never had you in the first place... 

I thought and I thought and I thought and
yet I was wrong every time...

And so was I, we were just forcing each other to be with each other, and yet we lost in that too, but at least we tried and that's what makes us different from everybody.

Anyway, life is tough, you thought that it's going to be easy, but you were wrong, life is a scapegoat for everyone, whenever we ought to do something and we fail, we just blame it on life, because that's the easy way, if we had chose the most strenuous way, things might end up in a little different way maybe.

But for now, all you can do is think about where it went wrong, and I am going to take a sip of a coffee and think about what to write next because I thought a lot and yet... 

 See you on the other side๐Ÿ˜‰

Keep Smiling! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Do check out my new book and do leave a review!๐Ÿ’™

Link - Love That Frightens Me - Aditya Dube


  1. Nice atleast you thought ✨
    Hope to see you soon๐Ÿ‚

    1. If you are writing this as an Anonymous, then I don't hope to see you soon :)


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