Move on - 2

Move on. We have been hearing this every now and then, and apparently, we fail to do that; I mean, how can someone move on when that person matters a lot?  I have changed a lot, I am not the same person anymore, I have seen a lot in my life now, I don't cry in front of anyone now, I am stronger than ever. I am not holding onto anything except one thing which apparently makes me stronger, I don't care about my mistakes from the past because they don't decide my future. I do feel bad about those mistakes...

I will hold on to things because it matters to me as much it used to be, It still holds the same value in my life, It helps me to remember those good times we used to have.
Life has been hard, and I was soft at that time, I cared a lot about people, I wonder why I did, maybe I was an idiot at that time...

Cry, Forgive, Learn, and Move on. Just 4 simple steps to enjoy your life, yet they take years and years to Move on, I  wished life was simple, for me, even a rock feels soft now. Moving on with everything is difficult, everything changes very fast, People changes, Life changes, but memories don't. It still remains the same...

There are a lot of things that we hold onto so intense, and sometimes we do not dare to let go, One thing with holding onto the wrong things in life is that you gain nothing out of it and you simply waste time and become stagnant. The more you keep, the more it hurts, you will never want to move out of the hurts. You will be there until you decide if you wish to move on or not...

Moving on means things that hurt you before no longer do now, Remember mistakes of yesterday don't control your present or your future. Move on from that pain, Distress, Grieve, Anger, Hurt, Poor relationship, and Move into Happiness, Satisfaction, Joy, Peace, and where you love yourself...

Sometimes in life, you have to let go and take some hard decisions. Life is hard, but the rock is soft...


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