
Hey Guys, It's been a long time since my last post, I was quite busy with my kind of fcuked up life.

Private, the only title I can think right now because I have come across so many Private accounts on Instagram and me being one of them and maybe I always wanted a private life and I got it that's a different reason that i am not happy now.

Ever happened to you, that you like a girl and just go through her Instagram profile and It's public and you stalk her every day and suddenly out of nowhere you see her Instagram profile is private, that's where I get this title.

Guess I write quite a bit about my life, feelings and times, but that doesn't mean I am writing what I shouldn't write or maybe I write what people want to read or say to someone, maybe I am confused but that isn't the point right? The point is private, Is private life the peaceful life? (Do comment on this) ....

The feeling of understanding is private as the feeling of pain i guess, there are so many truths, some we all agree about and some are just private, kept somewhere in our heart.

I guess I should stop here because I have a bunch of exams lined up to fcuk me, So I'll be back soon till then Take Care.


  1. Anything or anyway of living life could be a fcked up kind of life, it all depends on one's perspective.

  2. Well I guess sometimes it's good to have a private life...


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