
Image result for afraid          

Hey, It's been a long time, going busy these days and probably I will be posting only one blog this month.

I was afraid at first talking to you and now when I know you I am still afraid to message you.

I was afraid to face the face in the mirror that never lies and now when I am facing it, I am still afraid.

I was afraid to call you at first and now I am still afraid whether you will pick or not.

I was afraid to trust you and now I am still afraid whether you will trust me again or not.

I was afraid of what may happen, It's often difficult to see solutions to problems.

I was afraid of telling the truth and now I regret that why was I afraid.

I wish I knew exactly what words to say to you so that I can keep talking to you.

I don't know why I was afraid of losing you when you were not even mine.

I'm headed somewhere I don't want to be, A place where there's nothing to do and nothing left to say.

I have experienced pain but never felt a cut so deep, I was afraid to tell you this too.

And now I will stop here because I am still afraid to be afraid, Sounds lame.    

"Don't be afraid where the heart is destined to be, the path will lead it there."
