
Image result for priorities 
I have seen people changing, I have seen myself changing. I have seen priorities changing with time. Everything that has life, in this world has the same time. It's 24 hrs a day.

Priority is all about willingness and what willingness means? Ahh, It's a quality to do something. and what priority means? It's something who matters the most in the context of a person.

So many things to do, I'm always rushing around. I wish that I had time to sit still and think about my life. I somehow think that we all need to think about our life and this time I am serious.

People usually say "Priorities changes with time" and this is the truth. I have seen forever ending in 2-3 months. There's nothing like forever. Sometimes, I just wonder how fast things can change.

Something which was so precious, important and loveable till sometime back, is now nothing. Simply nothing.

Something which was not wrong till sometime back is now suddenly turned as a mistake.

Someone I thought I couldn't live without once is now someone I wanna avoid for my own good.

Those long and jittery conversations which meant so important is now just a bunch of screenshots.

Those who were destined for each other at that time are now miles apart.

Still, a long way to go...!!! and never mind if people are changing priorities, this is the phase of life.

"After all, Someone once said that life is a surprise"
