Travelling Unknown !

I never imagined my life to charter towards such a course. I am currently on the halfway mark on completing my course and of course, I have traveled to some of the places I love.

Yeah, I have a strong desire to travel. That's what wanderlust mean. If i am not wrong.

I love traveling, I love talking to strangers because I love to know them. From Introvert to Ambivert things have changed a lot, I have changed, Weather has been constantly changing a lot. YOU have also changed, and change is constant and also it is just to survive in this world.

You never know this but eventually, you are always traveling, because Life is always taking you everywhere where you even cannot imagine.

The thrills of going nowhere will always lead you to somewhere. Mountains and Snow that's what I want. Sitting on mountains, drinking beer, smoking cigarette, Is the best thing you can do up there.

I came to realize that travel is as much as discovering oneself as it is about seeing new vistas and meeting new people. So, it seems strange that i am only just now realizing how much traveling is also like taking a ride in a time machine through the pages of history.

"Keep Traveling, Keep Exploring the path, Because one day you have to travel on those 4 shoulders." 
