
Image result for hi
Hi, Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, Ola, Namaste, Halo....

So many languages to start a conversation but still, we don't start. 

I always try to avoid conversations about school, marks, and past. I always felt embarrassed to read out loud in class because I just could not do it.

I have so many mixed feelings, I am an ambivert. Why? because I have mixed feelings.

Let's be honest, we all have mixed feelings. Right? We all need that one person who can keep us happy and share our dreams and so on and so forth. It's breathtaking to have someone who adores you and boosts your self-confidence even when you have a bag of it already, but at the same time, we want to live alone.

Everything that starts has an end and vice-versa. No matter how hopeless a situation may look, have hope.

You know what is the main problem? When you are given a choice. 

I went to places where we use to be, Just standing there in the wind. I grew up just as you did, Life has changed and I am still there holding my past with me.

You know what moving on means? If you know then please tell me because I am still figuring out those 2 words which are very important in life.

P.S.: Pondering-3(This is how it ENDS) will be coming soon.
