Like a Pot Brimful the sun upturned - Gulzar Ji

At dusk, far in the horizon, on the ocean's threshold,
The sun's brimful pot upturned,
You came draped in the night's pashmina shawl.

The night kept slipping all over your body,
Your body was like an incandescent planet,
Mud Kneaded with milk and sunshine,
Your voice a fragrance prevading the sky,

You were speaking,
Your lips chiseling the pieces of the moon,
And I was wondering....
Wondering, Wondering.

One more dawn,
With a pot brimful of sun,
Emerged in the distant water,
While you,
Holding the dawn's finger,
Walked across the water,
Returning to yet another horizon,

Like some comet hidden in the mystery of time,
You came from the cosmos and returned to it!
